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    Semana de 14 de 20 de Abril de 2023






















    O resultado preliminar do programa de bolsas de iniciação científica será divulgado nesta próxima segunda (17/04) pelos canais de comunicação da ABCM.


    Fiquem atentos às nossas redes socias:








    9th International Combustion Institute Winter School

    Source: Apoio ABCM



    The 9th RNC-CI-WS aims at providing intensive educational experience from experts in the topics of combustion chemical kinetics and multi-physics fenomena applied to green energy to the future leaders in the combustion and energy fields. The program format is constructed to allow a clear connection from fundamental content to real application demands, by including fundamental courses, lectures on advanced topics, poster sections as well as academy and industry interaction, based on technical visits and a permanent exhibition of companies in the areas of processes, products, and services. The official event language will be English.


    From the beautiful coastline to the incredible mild climate and warmth of the neighboring mountains, Joinville offers several advantages for those who want to work, undertake or invest here. Joinville has a dynamic environment, strategic location, rich and diversified economic innovation ecosystem. The Ágora Tech Park offers a complete infrastructure to host small to medium events and counts with auditorium for 220 people, small training rooms, a large living hall to be used to host expositors and coffee-breaks, food court with several options of meals and free Wi-fi access, making it the perfect place to host this gathering of combustion scientists, professors, students, industrial practitioners, and technologists.



    Click here for more information.



    VI Simpósio de Engenharia Ferroviária

    Fonte: Apoio ABCM





































    O Simpósio de Engenharia Ferroviária (SimFer) nasceu há seis anos, com o objetivo de divulgar as pesquisas feitas no âmbito das Cátedras da VALE S.A. Ao longo dos anos, se estruturou e se expandiu, incluindo inovações realizadas nas principais ferrovias nacionais e definindo como foco principal o transporte de carga pesada sobre trilhos ("Heavy Haul"). Agora conta também com os principais fabricantes e desenvolvedores de vagões e componentes para este transporte. Este ano, teremos ainda a parceria da International Heavy Haul Association (IHHA), o que muito nos honra. A IHHA concederá a isenção da inscrição na sua Conferência aos 4 melhores trabalhos do SimFer, além da possibilidade de apresentação como poster, em agosto deste ano, no Rio de Janeiro.


    O SimFer é um evento presencial que tem como foco a interação entre a academia e o setor produtivo. Assim, tanto pesquisadores como profissionais ferroviários ligados às empresas são convidados a apresentar seus avanços científicos e tecnológicos. Os trabalhos serão publicados em anais digitais, com DOI e ISBN. Dois pesquisadores, reconhecidos mundialmente em suas áreas de atuação, apresentarão o estado da arte em seus temas: Nicola Bosso (Politecnico di Torino - Itália) e Dr. Werner Daves (Materials Center Leoben - Áustria).



    Clique aqui para mais informações.



    VBE2023 Conference

    Source: Carlos Eduardo Chaves (EMBRAER)



     The 1st International Conference on Vehicle Body Engineering will take place in Porto, Portugal, 2-3 November 2023.


    The conference venue is the campus of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP), which offers excellent facilites for high quality scientific interactions. FEUP is located in the town of Porto, in the Northern region of Portugal. Porto is a beautiful and lively city, steeped in history and rich in great experiences. With its magnificient location by the Atlantic coast, Porto is the city of the world famous Port Wine and the River Douro.

    This conference is held every two years and is chaired by me and Dr. Eduardo A. S. Marques (University of Porto, Portugal).

    The focus of this conference is the study on the design of the structural components of vehicle bodies, for the automotive, aerospace and railway sectors. Among the topics covered are road vehicle structural design, aeronautical structural design, rolling stock structural design, material testing, structural testing, manufacture of complex structures, structural joining methods, structural monitoring, self-healing structures, numerical simulation of structures, numerical simulation of structural components, multibody simulation, impact performance of structures, dynamic behaviour of structures, durability of structures, fatigue design of complex structures and structural ligthtweighing techniques.


    The scientific committee includes:

    Alessandro Scattina (Politecnico di Torino, Italy), Andreas Oechsner (Esslingen University of Applied Sciences, Germany), Andris Chate (Čate) (Riga Technical University, Latvia), Brunetto Martorana (Centro Ricerche Fiat, Italy), Bruno Castanié (INSA Toulouse, France), Carlos Chaves (EMBRAER, Brazil), Fausto Freire (University of Coimbra, Portugal), Giovanni Belingardi (Politecnico di Torino, Italy), Giuseppe Catalanotti (Queen’s University Belfast, Ireland), Guangyong Sun (Hunan University, China), José Correia (University of Porto, Portugal), Krzysztof Żur (Bialystok University of Technology, Poland), Nicolas Carrere (ENSTA Bretagne, France), Paulo Lage (Airbus, UK), Paulo Martins (Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, Portugal), Rakesh Goyal (John Deere, United States), Venkat Aitharaju (General Motors Company, United States), William Altenhof (Engineering University of Windsor, Canada), Wim Desmet (KU Leuven, Belgium), Volnei Tita (University of São Paulo, Brazil), Xiao Han (Dalian University of Technology, China) and Yasuhiro Matsui (Japan Automobile Research Institute, Japan)

    Authors who wish to make a presentation (oral or poster) are requested to submit a short abstract (one single A4 page possibly with a diagram and references) in English, by 16 June 2023. The abstracts should be sent electronically to vbe2023@fe.up.pt . Indicate in the email if you want oral or poster presentation. The abstract template can be downloaded from the conference website.


    Full papers will be considered for publication in special and regular issues of the following journals (provided they meet the journals standard): Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering [journals.sagepub.com] (SAGE), Discover Mechanical Engineering [springer.com] (Springer), UPorto Journal of Engineering [journalengineering.fe.up.pt] (University of Porto) and in the book series Proceedings of Engineering Mechanics: Research, Technology and Education [springer.com] (Springer).


    The full papers (not compulsory) should be sent to the e-mail vbe2023@fe.up.pt before the 2nd of November 2023. The text should be in single column format and double line spacing.

    Important dates

    16 June 2023   Abstract submission deadline

    30 June 2023   Notification of acceptance to authors

    21 July 2023    Early bird registration




    IAMaC 2023 – 2nd Ibero-American Conference on Composite Materials

    Source: Prof. Volnei Tita (EESC/USP)









    It is our pleasure to invite you to participate in the forthcoming 2nd Ibero-American Composite Materials (IAMaC2023), which will be held in Sao Carlos (Brazil) on July 20th-21st, 2023 (in a mixed format).


    April 30th, 2023 – NEW Deadline for abstract submission. It is mandatory to use the template and submit via the webpage.


    There will be Special Issues in international journals as follow:

    ·         "New advances in manufacturing, modeling, and testing of composite materials" @ Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications – SAGE Publishing (JCR 2.663).


    Two Keynote Speakers are confirmed:

    ·         Prof. Reinaldo Rodriguez-Ramos (Univ. La Habana – Cuba)

    o   Analysis of effective properties for heterogeneous media with imperfect adhesion

    ·         Prof. Jandro L. Abot (Catholic University of America – USA)

    o   Integrated Multifunctional Sensing Using Carbon Nanotube Fibers: Progress and Challenges                                   


    Click here for more information.


    Click here to access the template.



    Workshop on i-Caloric Effects

    Source: Prof. Paulo Trevizoli (UFMG)

































    Laboratório Nacional de Tecnologia de Soldagem (LNTSOLD-COPPE-UFRJ) dispõe de vagas para pesquisa em Manufatura Aditiva



    O LNTSold tem projetos de pesquisa na área de Manufatura Aditiva com Arame e Arco, para diversos setores da indústria.

    Estamos oferecendo 1 (uma) vaga para Engenheiro (Regime CLT) para profissionais interessados em atuar em pesquisa na área de Manufatura Aditiva, com foco em simulação computacional.

    Estamos oferecendo 1 (uma) vaga bolsa (DTI) para profissionais interessados em atuar em gestão de projetos de pesquisa.

    O profissional que estiver no nosso grupo terá oportunidade de trabalhar em um laboratório com uma boa estrutura, possibilidade de contratação/promoção e contato direto com grandes empresas.

    Maiores detalhes no Linkedin do LNTSOLD:


    Os interessados devem entrar em contato pelos emails rodrigofarias@metalmat.ufrj.br e mararios@metalmat.ufrj.br.