Encit 2012


University-Government-Enterprise cooperation in Brazil: building on new challenges from past experiences

Álvaro Toubes Prata, Prof. UFSC - Secretário Nacional de Desenvolvimento Tecnológico e Inovação do MCTI
Marcelino Guedes F. M. Gomes, Petrobras - Diretor Presidente da Refinaria Abreu e Lima S.A. - Petrobras
Heraldo da Costa Mattos, Prof. UFF - Responsável pelo Programa Cooperação Universidade-Empresa da ABCM
Moderador: Maria Laura Martins Costa, Prof. UFF - General Conference Chair

Abstract: University-Government-Enterprise cooperation has become the mature experience of the combination between production and science technology in developed countries. Such kind of cooperation is an important part of the national innovation system. The competitiveness of Brazil depends on the capacity of education and training systems to produce and adapt the quantity and the profiles of qualified workers. The important problem of personnel training in universities is the theoretical knowledge disjoints of practical specific business. At doctoral level, one of the challenges is to incorporate transferable skills into structured programs. This means adequate funding and support systems that maximize employability. The career structure of early-stage researchers must be made more secure. University-enterprise cooperation has little chance of success if relevant stakeholders do not have a voice in formulating mission and strategy. It is important, within the movement towards institutional autonomy, to change governance structures accordingly. Governments are also responsible for creating the conditions in which new businesses can emerge from university-enterprise cooperation activities. These include: technical support, access to finance, a favorable regulatory framework and law enforcement. Governments are responsible for extending and explaining the social benefits that accrue from the strengthening of the knowledge triangle efforts towards a better collaboration between universities and enterprises at Brazilian The aim of this Panel is to o provide an opportunity to analyze the place of University-Government-Enterprise cooperation in Brazilian education, training policies and research system. Also, to discuss how universities have integrated this dimension in their strategic developments and activities, and to present suggestions on how the University-Enterprise dimension can be further stimulated.

Keywords: University-Government-Enterprise cooperation; National innovation system; Training policies and research system.