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    Semana de 22 a 29 de abril de 2016




    Rio Oil & Gas 2016

    24 a 27 de outubro de 2016 –Rio Centro/ Rio de Janeiro

    Fonte: Prof. Sergio Möller (UFRGS)


    Inscrições abertas para Rio Oil & Gas 2016


    As inscrições para a 18ª edição da Rio Oil & Gas, o maior evento de óleo e gás da América Latina, estão abertas com preços especiais. Associados IBP, expositores, estudantes, autores, professores, entre outros, também podem aproveitar os descontos. Empresas interessadas em enviar seus colaboradores podem optar por pacotes corporativos com sete, 15 ou 30 inscrições. Inscreva-se! 



    Organizada pelo IBP, a Rio Oil & Gas acontece entre os dias 24 e 27 de outubro, no Riocentro, no Rio de Janeiro. Com o tema "Caminhos para uma Indústria de Petróleo Competitiva", a edição de 2016 vai focar seus debates nos principais desafios no atual cenário de novos patamares de preços e de tecnologias inovadoras, nas grandes questões que o setor enfrenta em escala global, somados às questões ligadas às crises econômicas e políticas nacional e internacional, entre outros temas.


    Para mais informações sobre o evento, clique aqui.



    Open registration for Rio Oil & Gas 2016

    Registration is now open for the 18th edition of Rio Oil & Gas, the greatest oil & gas event in Latin America. Those interested in attending the meeting may benefit from the early bird table, which offers special fees by category (IBP Members, exhibitors, students, authors, professors, etc). Companies interested in sending their employees may choose to purchase corporate plans with seven, 15 or 30 registrations. Register now!



    Organized every two years by the Brazilian Petroleum, Gas and Biofuels Institute (IBP), the meeting will be held from October 24 to 27 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 2016 edition has “Pathways to a Competitive Petroleum Industry” as its motto and focus its debates on the key challenges in the current scenario of new price levels and innovative technologies, in addition to issues related to economic and political crises, local and international. The program will also include topics related to financing Oil & Gas projects and to new proposals to Brazilian local content policy, among others. 

    For further information about the conference, click here. 



    XXXVII Ibero-Latin American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering - CILAMCE 2016

    6 a 9 de Novembro de 2016 – Brasília/Brasil

    Fonte:  Prof. Adriano Todorovic Fabro (UnB)


    Dear colleagues,


    We would like to invite you to submit an abstract to the XXXVII Ibero-Latin American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering - CILAMCE 2016, http://2016.cilamce.com.br/, Minisymposium entitled Stochastic Modeling and Uncertainty Quantification. The conference will take place in Brasília, Brazil, from 6 to 9 November.


    Abstract submissions are open until May 2nd, and full papers are required to be submitted until June 1st.


    CILAMCE is a multidisciplinary event: scientists and engineers from all over the world are encouraged to attend the conference. The technical program will include six invited plenary speakers and a large number of mini-symposia with contributed papers.

    Mini-symposia: Stochastic Modeling and Uncertainty Quantification



    Adriano T Fabro, Francisco Ricardo da Cunha,

    Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Brasília



    Recent developments in computational and sensing resources provide us the ability to infer about physical phenomena with increasingly detailed resolutions and to better characterize the interplay between experimentally observed cause and effect. In many problems of interest, this interplay is best described in a non-deterministic framework, permitting the description of experimental errors and inaccuracies, modeling errors and inadequacies, as well as numerical approximations.

    These uncertainties conspire, with interpretation and analysis tools, to affect the predictive power of accumulated knowledge.

    The main goal of this mini-symposia is to bring together current research efforts attempting to characterize and manage uncertainties in various stages of the prediction process. Also the visualization of uncertainties in order to help the decision-making process. Contributions involving both basic and practical applications in several fields are welcome and the submission of early stage work in the area is encouraged. Papers presented in this mini-symposia will be considered for publication in a special issue of the Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering. Professor Alvaro Coutinho from COPPE/UFRJ will present a specially invited talk entitled “Controlling Parallel Adaptive Sparse Grid Stochastic Collocation Simulations with Workflows”. In particular, research in the following areas will be highlighted:


     1.      Experimental data representation

    2.      Uncertainty propagation

    3.      Data assimilation and inverse analysis

    4.      Non-deterministic computational modeling

    5.      Statistical mechanics for complex fluids, materials or systems

    6.      Optimization and design under uncertainty

    7.      Visualization of uncertainties


    Looking forward to receiving your contribution

    Best regards.