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    Semana de 09 a 15 de fevereiro de 2015


    • COBEM 2015 -International Congress of Mechanical Engineering

    • 8 a 11 de dezembro –Rio de Janeiro/Brasil
      Fonte: Prof. José Manoel Balthazar(UNESP)

      Dear Colleagues,

      On behalf of the International Organizing Committee, we have the pleasure to invite you to the ICONNE 2015 – International Conference on Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaos, Control and Applications to Engineering (http://www.cobem2015.org/iconne.html), to be held on December 8-11, 2015, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

      This event, following previous successful events, aims at providing a forum for discussing and disseminating the latest approaches, methodologies, results and current challenges in the area of nonlinear dynamics and chaotic systems. Contributions are invited in all analytical, computational and experimental aspects of nonlinear dynamics.

      This Conference will be held within the International Congress of Mechanical Engineering – COBEM 2015. It is organized by the Committee of Nonlinear Phenomena of the Brazilian Society of Engineering and Mechanical Sciences – ABCM.

      The ABCM International Congress of Mechanical Engineering – COBEM – takes place every two years in a Brazilian city and is the biggest and most traditional scientific event covering all fields of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering in Latin America.

      Papers submission will follow the same procedure described at the COBEM homepage (see Authors’s area): http://www.cobem2015.org/

      KEY DATES:

      Abstract submission – From July 1st 2014 to March 6th 2015
      March 20th, 2015 – Abstract acceptance
      Full paper submission: From March 20th 2015 to May 29th 2015
      August 28th, 2015 – Preliminary notification of acceptance of full papers
      September 4th, 2015 – Deadline for final submission of full papers
      September 11th, 2015 – Final notification of full paper acceptance
      October 16th, 2015 – Deadline for publication fee and early registration
      December 6th to 11th – Congress takes place

      We hope to meet you in Rio!